OE-EN announces 521MW of Wind and 265MW of utility scale project developments in Switzerland.


The largest independent and hybrid RES development pipeline of Switzerland is run by partnerships centralized through GEV’s mother company, the Baar-based Swiss renewables group OE-EN.


Since 2018, the group’s executive teams are having undertaken approaches to establish successful scouting for ideal sites of Wind, later Solar PV and are active in Utility and C&I (commercial and industrial) developments.

Green Energy Venture, a daughter company of OE-EN, specializing in utility scale Engineering of hybrid renewable projects – with a track record in solar PV engineering of over 500 powerplants in 7 European countries – is supporting the planning of 270 Hectares of PV sites, including solsarine.ch – a lighthouse project in Switzerland.

In addition to this and following its intrinsic targets, the investment and technology holding managed – additionally to its own development pipeline – to partner advanced developments of 15 Wind sites with between 2 and 5 Turbines each. The projects spread across 9 cantons, paving the way towards their realization from technology to finance.


“Both the technologies, Wind and Solar, will be required and applied in Switzerland throughout the coming years in utility scale. We want to contribute with our pipeline of over 750+MW of projects in our home country to realize a decentral and hybrid IPP positioning with load curve adaption and the possibility to partner with local DNO’s (grid operators) and municipalities. With our experience out of the past two decades, we bring unparalleled know-how to the heart of our home country.”


says Daniel Oechslin, owner of the OE-EN Group at the Impact Gstaad meeting – an impact investing gathering in the heart of the canton of Berne on Friday afternoon.


According to publicly available / OE-EN’s own information a large part of named projects have closed land securing, received municipality approvals and are in application stage for the countries upcoming Solar- and Wind express programs. In the coming years, a further focus will be on storage solutions with hydrologic and new battery technologies enhancing the power supply to more day and nighttime covering capabilities.


For further information and inquiries please contact the OE-EN Headoffice.





Schochenmühlestrasse 6

6340 Baar

